Monthly Archives: August 2012


Periodically, I like to check out how people find my blog.  Most of the time I get referrals from other sites or direct links. Occasionally, people find me because Google or Bing has a sense of humor.  With that in mind, I give you the search terms that brought you people to me this week:

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The Power of 3

In literature the number three often holds great meaning.  I make no claim that this blog has any relation to literature whatsoever, but I’m going to borrow the number nonetheless. For today, the number represents change—more specifically, three changes over time. Confused yet? Good.  It’s a Monday, and we need to shake off the residual

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Seeking Some Fashion Answers

These are the fashion questions I want answers to today. Please consult your experts (or Wikipedia). Are there any police officers or detectives reading this blog? This question is for you, particularly if you are female. When you go out into a dangerous situation on the job, do you routinely wear only a tight tank

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The Pros and Cons of Dating

Two of my friends are now actively dating. Both situations came about through online approaches, and it has been an interesting process for me to watch. Last night, one of those women met a man who also wants to find me a date. Interesting. Let’s put aside the fact that no one who has ever

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Clear it Out

I’m going though another of those periods that I like to refer to as the “white phase.” No, I’m not only eating white foods or wearing white clothing (please, that would last two seconds before I had food or debris stains everywhere). This is more of an “I-really-need-to-get-rid-of-all-my-old-stuff-and-start-over” kind of thought process. I’ve done this

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