Monthly Archives: September 2013

This Week on Dating in LA

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week: Dating in LA Reassessing the Dream At what point do you choose something better, or admit that something isn’t working? Dating Advice for Kate This behind-the-scenes video (from the original series based on this blog) features character (and actor) advice about starting over again in the dating

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Behind-the-Scenes: Dating Advice for Kate

The characters (and actors) of Dating in LA and Other Urban Myths (the original web series coming soon) have some dating advice for Kate. From heartfelt to hysterical, they give their take on the pitfalls of dating in any city, but especially LA.  Fans of The X-Files will get a particular kick out of Chloe’s

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Reassessing the Dream

I read this blog entry over the weekend (, and it has repeatedly popped up in my brain since. Los Angeles is a difficult place. This business is impossibly strange– how things actually get accomplished remains a mystery. And every decision seems like a risk. So, it’s no wonder that this part, in particular, resonated

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This Week on Dating in LA

This week has been a week on the go. If you’re just checking in, this is what I’ve been writing: What Inspires You? Do you see something, or do something, that acts as a consistent source of inspiration? Words to Live By I found a banner out in the world that made me laugh (and

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Poor Life Choices: The Hiking Edition

Yesterday, instead of writing (bad), I took to the road again, and went up to Eaton Canyon. I had this idea that hiking up to the falls would be an easy thing, that I would get great pictures for the travel article on Examiner (, and feel accomplished. The Internet assured me that it was

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This Week on Dating in LA

Happy Sunday! This is what you’ve missed this week on Dating in LA: Private Versus Public Lives for Bloggers Where do we draw the line between our public and private selves? Three Good Things Time to improve my perspective by looking for three good things each day. Four Things that Spell Trouble for Creativity What

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Emotional “Pick Me Ups”

The other day we were talking about how noting three good things could have a positive impact on perspective and, therefore, mood. But there are certainly days where that’s not enough to really change the emotional tide. Those are the pampering days. Those are the days where I have to do something for myself in

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To Split the Check, or Not Split the Check—This is the Question

Someone found my blog by searching for the internet for “do you split the check on a first date?” That person, whoever it was, inadvertently inspired this blog post (so, thank you).