Buy Links for “My Letter to Fear”

The earth moved today for two reasons: 1) there was an earthquake and 2) two new retailers are selling my book! Let’s welcome iTunes and Diesel!

Update #1: More retailers are carrying “My Letter to Fear: Essays on Life, Love and the Search for Prince Charming” each day! The print version of the book can now be purchased at:

In addition, you can still find the book at these retailers in various formats:

  • Print version can be ordered from Amazon books.
  • Kindle version can also be ordered from Amazon.
  • Nook users, I have not forgotten you. I believe they have taken off the pre-order, and you can buy it now from Barnes & Noble
  • You can also buy it in an number of other electronic formats directly from Smashwords

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Note: Originally posted on on March 17, 2014.

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