Day of Discovery 2: Cows and Sea Otters

I’ve learned two things today:


1.  Cows are not always interested in having their photographs taken. You need to respect that and not try climbing over a fence to try to change their minds. I’m not saying I did that (particularly if that is a felony), but if I had done that, I’d stick by the theory that they are not as into posing as I may have one time believed. Moo.


2. Sea otters have an elaborate language all their own, and I want in on it. One pops up from the water and says something profound, and then for miles you can hear other sea otters responding. No doubt, they are debating the issues of the day.  I want a life where I hear sea otters talking every day (or at least more often).



Tested and proved theory from yesterday.  When I sat down to dinner alone tonight, the first thing the waiter said was “oh, let’s get you a bigger glass.”  Damn, straight!

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