Remaking the Life

KateWavingI caught up on Mike & Molly last night, and the scene where Molly decides that she has wasted her life and climbs out of a window to (essentially) quit her job had me laughing. While I didn’t climb out of the window at my job (mostly because my office was on the 20th floor, and the window didn’t open), I certainly could relate to the character.

I’m curious to see where the show takes her because while she has had a moment of minor, temporary regret, she hasn’t yet hit the stage which I refer to as “Now what?”

The “Now What?” stage happens well after the quitting in the blaze of glory (or sneaking out a window) stage. Unless you were a millionaire when you quit, you’re probably either running out of funds, or it is coming close. You may have an idea of what you want to do, but the magic is not yet happening.

Let’s just say that I’m familiar with this phase.  It’s not much of a surprise then that I’ve entered a new one called “Remaking My Life.”

This new stage involves changes to nearly my entire life. I’m not messing with the things that are solid: family, friends, or boyfriend. Everything else has got to go.  Crunch Crisp bars—they have to go. Extra 10 pounds—they have to go (and not through amputation). The insane amount of crap that still exists in this apartment despite the downsizing—it has to go.

Do I like the addition of travel writing to my life? Definitely. But it needs to start paying some bills because right now the trips are costing me more than I’m earning from writing about them. That has to change (unless I win lottery, of course)

Do I like the web series? Absolutely. I like what we’ve got, and I love our cast. Now we need things to move to the next level so that we can bring more fun to all of you.  I’ve seen your comments—you want to see the series. We want to bring it to you! So, that’s next on the agenda.

It’s time to remake the life from the not-quite-moving-forward thing that it has become.

Do you have changes that you want to make right away? Tell me about them!


2 comments on “Remaking the Life”

  1. Danielle

    Molly’s going to become a writer. I’m not kidding. The next few episodes deal with her finding a voice and the kind of writing she wants to do– from 50 Shades to cop dramas. It’s VERY relateable and definitely worth checking out, even if you haven’t been watching the show since the beginning.

  2. Danielle

    Molly’s going to become a writer. I’m not kidding. The next few episodes deal with her finding a voice and the kind of writing she wants to do– from 50 Shades to cop dramas. It’s VERY relateable and definitely worth checking out, even if you haven’t been watching the show since the beginning.

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