Tag Archives: change

New Reviews for My Letter to Fear!

The reviews are in from Readers’ Favorite, and they like me! Okay, they like “My Letter to Fear (Essays on Life, Love and the Search for Prince Charming),” and that’s not really me (except, if you’ve read the book, you know that I’m pretty much in the middle of it all).  If you want to

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Remaking the Life

I caught up on Mike & Molly last night, and the scene where Molly decides that she has wasted her life and climbs out of a window to (essentially) quit her job had me laughing. While I didn’t climb out of the window at my job (mostly because my office was on the 20th floor,

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The Start of the School Year

There’s something about the start of a new school year (and the rise of September) that still impacts me even though my last day in a classroom is a distant memory. Is it because I spent the first half of my life in school? Is it because I keep seeing back to school shopping commercials

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The Power of 3

In literature the number three often holds great meaning.  I make no claim that this blog has any relation to literature whatsoever, but I’m going to borrow the number nonetheless. For today, the number represents change—more specifically, three changes over time. Confused yet? Good.  It’s a Monday, and we need to shake off the residual

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